My first recording at IMRC Center!
By Ariana Abedi
After getting a sense of the facility’s purpose and how to properly use its various resources, the following week here at the IMRC Center has proven itself to be even more intriguing. In the course of my second week here, the Audiovisual Labs have been the primary focus. Familiarizing myself with the equipment was a learning experience in itself, however, seeing it through has helped me realize the importance of each and every aspect of creation. In the Electronic Music Production Lab (105), I began my journey by recording, editing, and taking into account any abnormalities caused by rearranging pieces of the audio. Playing around with the music, and even the quality of voice, made quite the difference in the final product; This whole process was challenging technologically, but it helped me develop skills in the most amusing ways. Not only is it an extraordinary opportunity to bring these ideas to life, but it’s also critical to learn the ways in which these creative spaces are maintained.
Click below to listen to my first recording!
Halfway through the week, I learned more about how resources are managed. I learned both cable testing and attempted to learn the technique for properly coiling and storing them. Watching the different patterns of lights glow up, over and over again, was only a glimpse of the maintenance that goes into preserving this facility. However, it made me appreciate this experience even more than before.
Understanding this importance was insightful, thus leading me to my next challenge: the reorganization of the Fabrication Labs. This time, my approach to reordering this area became a lot more hands-on. After making a list of all the equipment and each tool in the FabLabs, I began virtually redesigning the space using Adobe Illustrator. This allowed me to get a feel of what the plan for action will come to look like and made it easier to consider both functionality and aesthetics. With Illustrator, mapping out my ideas felt a lot more real, and learning more about its functions helped me become more progressive and efficient. As I continue to refine this design and receive approval from my mentors, the FabLabs will allow students to easily access what they need and maintain the space for future use.